Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Support

Browsing from your desktop
Check that you have the lastest version of your web browser installed.
If the problem persists, try to change web browser.
Our HTML5 player is supported on:
  • Chrome (version M42 or newer)
  • Firefox (version 47 or newer)
  • Internet Explorer (version 11 or newer)
  • Microsoft Egde
  • Safari (version 10 or newer sur macOS Sierra)
  • Opera (version 31 or newer)
Browsing from your mobile
Our HTML5 player is supported on :
  • Chrome mobile
  • Safari mobile
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us via the contact form with a detailed description (devices, browser used, connection type...).
The video player adapts the image quality to your connection speed. The video quality is uasally lowered to avoid potential breaks in the playback.
In 'auto' mode the video player will try to use the highest video quality available.
You can manually set the movie quality but you might experience issues in playback in caseof a decrease in connection speed.

My account

  1. Log into our website with your username and password
  2. Navigate to "My Account" from the side menu or the footer
  3. All information about your subscription status is in Your Subscription section.
To change your password, go to "My account" in the left side menu or the footer. You can change your password by clicking on the "Reset password" link. If you have lost your password and cannot access the service: log into our website and click on "Password forgotten?". You will then receive an email to reset your password, sent to the address provided during signup.
Currently, there is no such possibility at the moment.
Only one account per mobile number / email address is allowed.
To cancel your subscription, you can log in, go to "My account" in the left side menu or the footer and click on "Manage my subscription".